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A couple of posts ago, I wrote about signing up for Erin Siegel‘s webinar Fiber Findings & Finishing Techniques.  Now that I’ve had a chance to watch it, I wanted to say a little bit more about it.


I found the webinar very informative.  Although I’ve worked a little bit with fibers, I’m always limited by my dearth of experience.  I liked that the webinar, which runs about 40 minutes, gets right down to the nitty gritty. Siegel lists the tools needed (all of this is with pictures) and describes why you would use one over another.

Findings are described with details about how to use each one.  I have long wanted to use more leather and cord in my jewelry making, but stand looking at the findings in the store not being sure I’ll be able to use them once I get them home.  So I spend my money on things I’m more sure of, which doesn’t allow me any growth in my work!

Siegel’s very simple, clear explanations make me feel confident that as I go forward, I can make the things I want to make because I know how these materials work.  I also know which findings to buy based on what I’d rather use and which ones she gave good reasons for favoring.

I used one of my favorite instructions in the bracelet pictured above.  In the past when I used a loop and button closure, my loop was just loose fibers which always looked a little weak and unfinished to me.  I would see more finished looking loops on other people’s work, but I couldn’t quite figure out how it was done.  After the webinar, it took me exactly one half of a loop to feel like I had the technique down.  I’m so glad I finally know this “secret”.

Sometimes it’s easy to get higher level instruction for jewelry making than the foundation you need in order to build up to those more difficult techniques.  If you haven’t worked at all with fibers or have worked a bit but still aren’t sure about it, I bet this webinar will answer your lingering questions.

Erin Siegel is the co-author of Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry: 50 Designs Using Leather, Ribbon, and Cords and a contributing designer to the Ornamentea website.  I have pinned so many of her designs on my Pinterest jewelry board; now I feel confident I have the knowledge I need to try more of them.